- IEEE-ISTO STD MOSA-IF-S-001: Common Payload Interface Standard – Command and Data Handling
- This Standard specifies an architecture for achieving a standardized bus to payload command and data handling interface and requires the use of SpaceWire and sRIO.
- IEEE-ISTO STD MOSA-IF-S-001 w/ Change 1: Common Payload Interface Standard – Command and Data Handling
- This Standard specifies an architecture for achieving a standardized bus to payload command and data handling interface and requires the use of SpaceWire and sRIO. This version was updated to specify the same connector pinout as the MOSA-IF-S-002.
- IEEE-ISTO STD MOSA-IF-S-002: MOSA Payload Manager Interface Standard
- This Standard specifies the same architecture as MOSA-IF-S-001 for achieving a standardized bus to payload command and data handling interface, however it replaces sRIO with Ethernet.
- IEEE-ISTO STD MOSA-IF-S-003, Volume 1: MOSA User Experience/User Interface Standard
- This standard establishes requirements for creating an improved “common look and feel” console for satellite operations.
- This standard is the first of 3 expected volumes.
- IEEE-ISTO Guide MOSA-IF-G-001: Centralized Payload Manager Design Guide
- This guide provides additional details to clarify the MOSA-IF-S-001 Standard.
- IEEE-ISTO GUIDE MOSA-IF-G-002: MOSA Payload Manager Design Guide
- This Guide helps to better inform the associated MOSA-IF-S-002 Standard and provides suggestions for developing a MOSA Payload Manager unit and verification methods to ensure conformance with the MOSA-IF-S-002 Standard.
- IEEE-ISTO GUIDE MOSA-IF-G-002, with Change 1: MOSA Payload Manager Design Guide
- This Guide contains minor administrative changes that add consistency, clarity, and accuracy. A summary of the change modifications is included on page ii of the Guide.
- MOSA-IF-T-002: TAILORING FOR ETSI EN 302 307-2 V1.3.1 (2021-07), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second generation framing structure, channel coding and modulation systems for Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband satellite applications; Part 2: DVB-S2 Extensions (DVB-S2X)
- This tailoring guide provides recommended system configurations for use of the DVB-S2X Standard and interoperability with U.S. space agency systems.
- MOSA-IF-T-001, vol. 1: Tailoring For SDA-9100-001-09, SDA Optical Communication Terminal (OCT) Standard Version 4.0.0 , Volume 1
- This tailoring guide focuses on the physical layer and data link layer for space-to-space optical communication networks.
MBSE Models
- IEEE-ISTO MDL MOSA-IF-S-001 with Change 1: MBSE Model for IEEE-ISTO STD MOSA-IF-S-001 with Change 1
Recommended Standards
- ISO-IEC 11889-1 Information Technology — Trusted Platform Module Library — Part 1: Architecture
- C2MS 1.0 Object Management Group (OMG) Command and Control Message Specification (C2MS)
- CCSDS 902.1-B-1 Cross Support Service Management – Simple Schedule Format Specification
- CCSDS 902.9-B-1 Service Management Utilization Request Formats
- Private Schema Extension Supplements CCSDS 902.9-B-1, “Service Management Utilization Request Formats”
- Universal Command and Control Interface (UCI) version 2.3