The Space Systems MOSA Interface Standards Alliance (also known as, MOSA Alliance) is proud to announce the kick-off of a new committee, the “Space-to-Gateway/Ground – Optical Communications (S2G-OC) Committee,” on January 23, 2025. This committee will recommend, tailor, or develop the standard(s) necessary to standardize, to the extent deemed reasonably feasible, optical communication across the Big Three (NASA, NRO, SSC) space systems. Standardized optical communication methods and protocols will enable multi-vendor interoperability of satellites with ground gateways and networks across a hybrid DoD/Commercial architecture.
As with our other MOSA Alliance committees will work at an accelerated pace to deliver minimum viable product drops in six-month sprints. We are seeking interested subject matter experts with the appropriate expertise to actively participate in driving quality deliveries that will enable evolutionary and incremental interoperability across the Big Three space systems.

Who we are
The Space Systems MOSA Interface Standards Alliance is interested in rapidly developing modular open system approach (MOSA) compliant space system standards that will enable interoperability at key system interfaces. Collaborating with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO) will enable the Space Systems MOSA Interface Standards Alliance to leverage agile development methods to expedite the standards development process.
The Space Systems MOSA Interface Standards Alliance is a government-guided collaboration with industry for the purpose of voluntary consensus development of space system interface standards, in accordance with Public Law 104-113, and OMB Circular A-119. Furthermore, in accordance with the MOSA laws specified in the 2015/2017/2022/2021 National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA), the space system interface specifications will enable and foster interoperability at key system interfaces

What We Do

The Space Systems MOSA Interface Standards Alliance consists of committees and subcommittees developing interoperability standards that meet Enterprise-defined objectives. The collection of standards developed by the alliance will synergistically support Enterprise objectives. By creating standardized interfaces, the Enterprise seeks to benefit from a wider range of industry innovations and bring newer technologies to our warfighters faster. Standardization will also enable and foster the ability of non-traditional companies to enter the established market.